Saturday, February 28, 2015

Fishes, Fishes in Sea 2/23

So it is that time of year when we cannot wait for spring !!!!  What a better time than the present to do a storytime on fish.  Stories about fish, friendship and "how hard is it to take care of a fish" are some of the topics we shared.  Can't wait until fishing season !!!!

Nugget and Fang by Tammi Sauer
Sophie's Fish by A.E. Cannon
The Story of Fish & Snail by Deborah Freedman


Waves on the Beach (sung to : "Wheels on the Bus")*

The waves on the beach go up and down,
up and down, up and down
The waves on the beach go up and down,
All day long.

The crabs on the beach crawl back and forth
back and forth, back and forth
The crabs on the beach crawl  back and forth
All day long.

The lobsters on the beach go snap, snap,snap
snap, snap, snap..snap, snap, sanp
The Lobsters on the beach go snap, snap, snap
All day long.

The clams on the beach will open and shut
open and shut, open and shut
The clams on the beach will open and shut
All day long.

The jellyfish go wibble, wobble, wibble
wibble, wobble, wibble...wibble, wobble wibble
The jellyfish go wibble wobble wibble
All day long.

This song we utilized our colorful scarves to mimic the movements that we did. It looked so pretty seeing all of the colors of the rainbow swaying, snapping and wibble-wobbling.

Five Little Fishes (sung to: 5 Little Monkeys)*

Five little fishes
Swimming in the sea
Teasing Mr. Shark "You can't catch can't catch me"
Along comes Mr. Shark...quiet as can be....AND SNAP!!!!

Repeat with Four, Three, Two, One.

Did You Ever See a Fishy? (sung to: Did You Ever See a Lassie?)*

Did you ever see a fishy, a fishy, a fishy?
Did you ever see a fishy swim this way and that?
Swim this way and that way
swim this way and that way...
Did you ever see a fishy, swim this way and that?

This song we used colorful scarfs. It was perfect because the way we moved them in the air
was similar to the way fish swim.  We also did it fast and then slow. We had a lovely school of fish
right here in our library.


SONG:The Goldfish by Laurie Berkner

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


When I was little, dinosaurs were everything to me.  I remember seeing a Time Life Books Info-mercial about a dinosaur book and asking ( pleading is more like it) my mom if I could get it for my birthday. I was 10 yrs old and that book took me places I never dreamed. I had hopes that someday I would be a budding paleontologist. I would be destined to blaze a path to the Mongolian tundra or the deserts of Niger, Africa. I would discover a new species of dinosaur and I would have the honor of naming it.  Well, a library suits me now a days...where I can peruse over countless NF dino books to my hearts content. I just HAD to do a dinosaur storytime.  We had a RoArInG good time!

Image result for dinosaur roarImage result for a mammoth in the fridgeImage result for dinosauring

Dinosaur Roar by Herietta and Paul Stickland
A Mammoth in the Fridge by Michael Escoffier
Dinosoaring by Deb Lund



Spread you arms, way out wide
Fly like a Pterendon, soar and glide
Bend to the floor, head down low
Move like a Stegasarous long ago
Reach up tall, try to be
As tall as Apatasaurus eating on a tree
Using your claws, grumble and growl
Just like a Tyrannasaurus on the prowl.

Dinosaur, dinosaur turn around (Teddy Bear Teddy Bear turn around)

Dinosaur dinosaur turn around
Dinosaur dinosaur touch the ground
Dinosaur dinosaur reach up high
Dinosaur dinosaur wink one eye
Dinosaur dinosaur touch your nose
Dinosaur dinosaur touch your toes
Dinosaur dinosaur slap your knees
Dinosaur dinosaur sit down please


FLANNEL STORY- Dini the Dinosaur by Karen Beaumont

I Love the story "Dini the Dinosaur" by Karen Beaumont.  This story is great because the kids can be a great help in telling the story. Poor Dini gets covered after an afternoon of playing in the backyard. But when it's time for a tub, he forgets to take off those muddy clothes before hopping into the bathtub....and again, and again and again!!!!   Oh no...back in the tub you go....with a scrub a dub a rub!!! Rolicking rhymes helps set the tone of this story. I just might have to make a bed for Dini complete with pillow and blanket because that is how the story ends.  Sweet story.  Kiddo's agreed !

SONG:We are the Dinosaurs

Best of the Laurie Berkner Band


Image result for Love Monster by Bright,204,203,200_.jpgImage result for if you'll be my valentine

Valentine's Day is always a special time to tell my little storytime friends how much I enjoy seeing their smiling faces each and every week.  They bring so much joy during storytime that I constantly remind myself how blessed I am to do what I do every Monday morning.  With that in mind, here
are our Valentine's selections for our Valentine theme. Enjoy !!!

Love Monster by Rachel Bright
I Love you, nose! I love you, toes! by Linda Davick
If you'll be my valentine by Cynthia Rylant


Skinamarink-a-dink-a-dink (song)

Skinamarink a dink a dink, skinamarink a do
I love you*
 Skinamarink a dink a dink, skinamarink a do
I love you...*

I love you in the morning and in the afternoon
I love you in the evening underneath the moon.

Skinamarink a dink a dink, skinamarink a do
I love you...I really love you
 Skinamarink a dink a dink, skinamarink a do
I love you...

We would insert different things that we loved such as:
Mac & Cheese, Dinosaurs, Naps, Puppies...the possibilites are endless.

 Love Bug, love bug oh so smart (flannel)

I had 6 glittery, fancy and sparkly valentines/hearts and one love bug (ladybug)
I placed the ladybug under one of the hearts and proceded to say the chant

Love bug, love bug oh so smart.  Are you behind the ________ heart?

 I would choose a heart that it was not under. This would continue until the last one was left.
And sure enough, there was our little lovebug. The anticipations on the childrens faces was priceless
as one by one we would remove a heart with no love bug.  They cheered when we finally found it.
Oh love bug you are certainly clever!!!

 6 Little Valentine's
Six Little Valentines were sent to my house
The 1st one said "I love you" from Mouse

Five little Valentine's in my mail box
The 2nd one said "Be Mine!" from Fox

Four little VAlentine's full of love
The 3rd one said "You are sweet" from Dove

Three little Valentine's just for me
The 4th one said "Be My Honey" from Bee

Two little Valentine's mailed with care
The 5th one said "Here's a hug" from Bear

One little Valentine sent by my friend Jay
This one says "HAppy VAlentine's Day"


SONG: Image result for silly dance contest jim gill
Silly DanceContest Jim Gill