Tuesday, April 7, 2015


So we are starting a "color of the week" theme for the next few sessions.  With it being "Spring" and all  I decided to start with the color green. Even though it may not feel like Spring, we can at least enjoy a few stories to get us in the mood.  What's green???  Come check it out.

Snip Snap by Mara Bergman
The Croaky Pokey by Ethan Long
Where is the Green Sheep? by Mem Fox
The Great Big Green by Peggy Gifford


 Go Away Big Green Monster Flannel.  This is a great book that you can turn into a flannel. Storytime is so special when you can do this. If you just cut out the pieces according to the story pages, you can re-tell it over and over.  "Go Away big green Monster.  We are not afraid of you!!"

Five Green Shamrocks and One Green Shamrock are great flannels. I made my own shamrocks and I think the glitter and wiggly eyes made them extra awesome.

The Croaky Pokey was another story that we used in tandem with our colorful scarves.  As I read the story out loud, the children would follow me with the motions.  Our scarves were there to add to the fun our hands, feet, head and backside had. We also used our scarves as the fly we were trying to catch.  I have yet to meet a "Hokey Pokey" version that I do not like.  The kiddo's really enjoyed this.

"If You're Wearing _______ Today"  This was a song that Miss Jennifer the silly librarian would do during her storytime.  I absolutely love this song and the kiddo's do too. We also added scarves with this song because what says "Hooray" more that jumping up with scarves in your hands!!!

Song: Jim Gill "Hands are for Clapping"